Friday, July 15, 2016

GGW Celebrates Its 9th Birthday: A Special Treat from Chanticleer

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2007-06-30 00.27.03.jpg- Photo #1- Chanticleer- Rudbeckia and Buttrflyeed We’re having a celebration at Gardening Gone Wild: it’s our 9th birthday!

When Nan Ondra and I started GGW in July 2007, we never thought about where we would be almost a decade later. We were just two Pennsylvania gardeners and authors with a passion for gardening and a love of perennials and lush overflowing, natural garden designs. Nan has since moved on and continues showcasing her magnificent gardens and horticultural expertise at her personal blog, Hayefield.

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There have been several twists and turns throughout this almost decade: the fantastic news is that we are thriving and continue to evolve. GGW’s three co-contributors – myself, Saxon Holt, and Debra Lee Baldwin – bring our unique passions, experience, and perspective to this group gardening blog. I am honored that I have such committed and excellent colleagues whose artistry is magical and a gift to all who are touched by them.


Anybody who has followed my posts throughout the years or has read my book, Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening (New and Revised Edition will be in bookstores and online, September 2016), knows that I have been profoundly impacted by Chanticleer. From the time I became aware of it twenty some years ago, when it was still a private garden and met Chris Woods (who transformed Chanticleer from being an estate into a public pleasure garden with an extraordinary amount of creativity and skillfulness) until today , it continues to inspire, inform, and mesmerize me. I have seen a lot of gardens and there is something incredibly unique about Chanticleer. Kudos to Bill Thomas and all of the gardeners, several who have been there for over two decades, for your non-stop work, ingenuity, and passion.

So, in honor of this celebration, I am offering a free copy of The Art of Gardening: Design Inspiration and Innovative Techniques from Chanticleer.


If you want to enter to try to receive a free copy of this book, please leave a comment after the post sharing with us what your design inspirations have been. Feel free to write as much as you want. The more compelling, the better.

And in honor of Chanticleer and its place in our heart at GGW, here are links to some of the articles we’ve written about it throughout the years:

Draping Window Containers….Chanticleer!

Pathways In The Garden at Chanticleer

I’ve Discovered Chanticleer

Chanticleer: A Tour With Dan Benarcik

Chanticleer: A Tour With Dan Benarcik, Part 2

Chanticleer Garden in Autumn

Photographing In A Garden

The deadline for entries is Tuesday night, July 19th at midnight EST! So get on your thinking and creativity caps and captivate us with your thoughts!

And keep a look out for the pre-launch of the New Revised Edition of Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening in August when there will be a free book and bonus course give away. Digging_Deep_cover.jpg-853x`1200

“There’s a rhythm to gardening that soothes our souls and awakens our senses. It’s through observing an celebrating the change of seasons that we can learn to accept our own human journey from gestation to birth, death, and beyond.”  Fran Sorin, from Digging Deep

from Gardening Gone Wild

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