Friday, September 2, 2016

A Creative Journey: Discovering What You Like, Dislike, and Really Desire



  “To perceive freshly, with fresh senses, is to be inspired.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

I spoke in my last post of going on a creative journey to discover my garden that has yet to show its face. I asked you to join along and participate in creating something that you deeply desire (it, of course, can be garden but it needn’t be). The response has been robust. Here is the link to the initial post on GardeningGoneWild and then the follow-up video on FB if you would like to catch up from the beginning.

In today’s post, I want to discuss the importance of discovering your likes and dislikes. Doing so is an important element of the creative journey. After all, how can you possibly know what you really desire, or create anything from the heart if you don’t have clarity on what speaks to you?

As I write in the New Revised Edition of Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening, “Often the scariest question to answer can be, What do I want? The sheer open-ended boundlessness can be overwhelming. The choices seem so vast that it feels practically impossible to land on anything at all.”

In the video below, I am in Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, discussing the redesign of the central garden beds of one of Philadelphia’s most beloved and trafficked squares.

As promised in the video, below are photos that will give you a sense of what it now looks like.

Rittenhouse Square re-design

2016-09-01 10.18.09

Rittenhouse Square re-design

2016-09-01 10.20.16

I’m also excited to announce that the New Revised Edition of  Digging Deep: Unearthing Your Creative Roots Through Gardening is now on sale at Barnes and Noble and other retailers, as well as online.

 I’m celebrating by running a contest for the next 4 weeks. Each week, you’re eligible to win a $50. prize: all you have to do is send a receipt, along with your e-mail and full name, showing me that you have bought the book at: and you will automatically be placed in with others. Write: Digging Deep Contest in subject line. Winners to be chosen randomly.

Secondly, if you are still interested in the Free 1000 Digging Deep Book and Course Giveaway, you need to get onto my website, FranSorin, and sign up immediately. Folks who subscribe to my newsletter will be the first ones to be made aware of this incredible offering- which will be happening over the next couple of week.

As always, if you enjoyed this post and videos, please share with others on social media. It’s good karma! As well, I deeply appreciate your support! With love, xo

from Gardening Gone Wild

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